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Если произведение является переводом, или иным производным произведением , или создано в соавторстве, то срок действия исключительного авторского права истёк для всех авторов оригинала и перевода. Полное собрание сочинений и писем в тридцати томах. Письма в восемнадцати томах. Указатель мест пребывания И.
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OLD AGE Старость The architect Uzelkov returns on mission to the town that he had left twenty years before after his divorce there, and is invited to dinner by the wily lawyer who had handled his divorce and who reveals to him during the dinner what really went on with his former wife in those far-off days. ART Художество Seryozhka has a great talent for creating magnificent holy icons out of snow and ice on the frozen river for the annual festival of Epiphany. Once a year he dominates one and all, ordering them around, vilifying and exploiting them, as they patiently wait for the great moment when his latest masterpiece will be ready and the great ceremony can begin. AN UPHEAVAL Переполох Mashenka, who has just taken up a position in a wealthy household as a governess, comes back from a visit to find the mistress of the house in the process of searching her room, looking for an expensive brooch that has been stolen. She is outraged but her inferior social position puts her at a serious disadvantage in face of the mistress of the house.